Music Crossword Puzzle 2022

  1. 3. What city in the USA did "House" music get its start in?
  2. 5. What platform is best for making music go "Viral" in our modern day?
  3. 6. The genre that mixes Mexican and German musical styles. Ex. Groupo Firme, Banda MS, Los Angeles Azules
  4. 8. A style of music made famous by musicians of color.
  5. 9. Visual patterns created by a vibrational phenomena
  6. 11. A genre that talks about rebeling and is assoiciated with skating boarding.
  7. 13. A virally popular Disney movie based on a family from Colombia that topped US music charts.
  8. 14. An electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals
  9. 16. A string instrument with 4 strings that comes from Hawaii
  1. 1. What is the most popular music streamming sevice for kids your age?
  2. 2. The most well known band of all time. Their name is also the name of a bug.
  3. 4. A group of instruments that a brightly colored and played by hitting the floor.
  4. 7. the name of a musician who uses turntables to mix music
  5. 10. What is a great search engine to find music and music videos from all of music history
  6. 11. A instrument with black and white keys
  7. 12. The most famous music to come from Asia that is most popular with young folks.
  8. 15. A string instrument with 6 strings that is used for most genres of popular music.
  9. 17. Electronic Dance Music