Music Crossword

  1. 2. soft
  2. 5. majestic
  3. 7. speed
  4. 9. the end
  5. 14. two different letter names that belong to the same note
  6. 16. loud
  7. 17. how many beats in a measure
  8. 22. a note
  9. 26. slowing down gradually
  10. 28. A symbol in sheet music that returns a note to its original pitch after it has been augmented or diminished
  11. 30. notes that are altered by using sharp, flats and naturals
  12. 31. at a moderate tempo
  13. 38. becoming softer
  14. 39. very fast
  15. 40. very loud
  16. 42. play the notes sharply detached
  17. 43. fairly fast
  18. 46. a stead pulse
  19. 48. used to indicate low frequencies
  20. 51. becoming louder
  21. 53. a quarter note gets how many beats
  22. 56. eighth note gets how many beats
  23. 57. A large group of instrumentalists playing together
  24. 58. play the notes louder with special emphasis
  25. 59. fast
  26. 61. a sudden strong accent
  27. 63. with pedal
  28. 64. an added ending
  29. 65. The piece of cane in wind instruments. The players cause vibrations by blowing through it in order to produce sound.
  30. 66. smoothly
  1. 1. lively and fast
  2. 3. repeat from the sign
  3. 4. hold notes for the combined value of the tied notes
  4. 6. sweet
  5. 8. moderately soft
  6. 10. A musical scale having five notes. For example: the five black keys of a keyboard make up a pentatonic scale
  7. 11. from the sign
  8. 12. the interval of an octave
  9. 13. as fast as possible
  10. 15. a speed at which music is performed
  11. 18. a half note gets how many beats
  12. 19. repeat the music within the double bars
  13. 20. moderately slow
  14. 21. play the notes legato
  15. 23. slowing down
  16. 24. a slow tempo
  17. 25. whole note held down for how many beats
  18. 27. hold the not longer than it’s value
  19. 29. volume
  20. 31. moderately loud
  21. 32. dotted half gets how many beats
  22. 33. One or more vocalists performing without an accompaniment
  23. 34. used t indicate frequencies
  24. 35. marked or stressed
  25. 36. distance between two consecutive notes
  26. 37. very soft
  27. 41. A composition written for three voices and instruments performed by three persons.
  28. 43. a little faster than andante
  29. 44. graceful
  30. 45. hold the note for it’s full value
  31. 47. The playing or singing the upper half of the vocal range. Also the highest voice in choral singing
  32. 49. consists of 5 lines and 4 spaces
  33. 50. slow
  34. 51. in a signing style
  35. 52. represents the half value of the note in front of it
  36. 54. very slow
  37. 55. A melodic or, sometimes a harmonic idea presented in a musical form.
  38. 60. A dirge, hymn, or musical service for the repose of the dead
  39. 62. repeat from beginning