music definitions

  1. 4. raises a note by one half step
  2. 5. time C
  3. 6. the speed of music
  4. 9. to increase volume
  5. 12. sharps and flats found in music
  6. 15. lowers a note by one half step
  7. 16. the volume of music
  8. 17. Tells how many beats are in one measure and what note gets 1 beat
  9. 19. the adjustment of volume
  10. 21. line that connects 2 different notes
  11. 22. mp
  12. 23. to decrease volume
  1. 1. divides the staff into measures
  2. 2. Play the note with separation
  3. 3. Sequence of notes moving in 1/2 steps
  4. 7. to emphasis a note
  5. 8. Flats or Sharps next to the clef that apply to the piece
  6. 10. Go back to the beginning and play until fine
  7. 11. line that connects 2 of the same notes
  8. 13. half note gets one beat
  9. 14. loud,immediately soft
  10. 18. mf
  11. 20. Play in a smooth and connected style