Music for a whiiiiiiiillllllllllleeeeeeeeee

  1. 5. - Melodic devices used to decorate the melody.
  2. 7. - Word to describe the tonality shifting through the gears and briefly visiting different tonalities
  3. 8. - Choral voice type that performs the piece.
  4. 10. - Description of the movement of notes for the majority of this piece.
  5. 12. - One rotation of two notes really quicklly.
  6. 13. - Baroque keyed instrument.
  7. 17. - Main tonality of piece.
  8. 19. - Name for the relationship of the accompaniment parts.
  9. 20. - Description of text setting for the word 'eternal'
  10. 21. - Grace note that takes time to be played.
  1. 1. - How many bars long is the bass part?
  2. 2. - Eight-stringed Baroque version of a double-bass.
  3. 3. - Quick alternations between two notes
  4. 4. - Type of cadence used in this piece (hint: only type used).
  5. 6. - Name for a repeating bass part.
  6. 9. - Melodic device where fragment of melody repeated but at a different pitch.
  7. 11. - Melody word-setting technique where the music emphasises the text in a literal way.
  8. 13. - Texture for melody and accompaniment.
  9. 14. - One note per syllable.
  10. 15. - Description of tonality on the word "pains".
  11. 16. - Term for when chords played belong to the tonality.
  12. 18. - Name for what the right-hand of the keyboard part does when it reads figured-bass.