Music Genres

  1. 1. This music features fast-spoken words
  2. 3. EDM
  3. 4. __ and roll, for example
  4. 5. Miles Davis composed in this genre
  5. 6. The music of Broadway, for example
  6. 8. You fondly remember this genre from your elementary days
  7. 9. Taylor Swift started out in this genre
  8. 10. Popular form of music
  9. 11. Also known as movie music
  10. 12. BB King and Muddy Waters were musicians in this genre
  1. 2. Billie Eilish is considered ____ pop.
  2. 4. R&B
  3. 7. This music is often the back-track for rap
  4. 11. Music that is passed down without a known composer