Music of Myanmar

  1. 3. accompanies various form of celebrations
  2. 5. double reed pipe
  3. 10. myanmar was known as _____ until 1988
  4. 11. bell and clapper
  5. 12. 8 tuned drums
  6. 14. performed open-air ensembles at ceremonies and festivals
  7. 15. songs of sorrow
  8. 16. played at religious festivals
  9. 17. high pitched bronze gongs
  10. 18. most scared buddhist
  1. 1. songs of longing
  2. 2. naional instruments of myanmar
  3. 4. performed indoors and formal classical performances
  4. 6. burmese xylophone
  5. 7. collection of classical songs
  6. 8. royal court music
  7. 9. bronze gongs in rectangular form
  8. 13. 21 drums different sizes