Music Revision 1

  1. 3. The speed of the music
  2. 4. The beat in the music
  3. 8. Divides music into smaller chunks
  4. 11. At the beginning of each line
  5. 12. At a walking pace
  6. 15. Separates the bars
  7. 18. How many layers the music has
  8. 20. The left hand cleff
  9. 22. Using symbols to create music rather than a staff/stave
  10. 23. Lively
  11. 24. The ... number shows how many beats in a bar
  12. 25. Moderately loud
  13. 26. Very quickly
  14. 27. Volume of music
  15. 29. Soft
  16. 30. Slowly
  1. 1. The sound of the note
  2. 2. Slowly and stately
  3. 5. Moderately soft
  4. 6. Loud
  5. 7. Gradually becoming softer
  6. 8. Time signatures show the .... of the music
  7. 9. Language of music
  8. 10. Very loud
  9. 13. Fast
  10. 14. The right hand cleff
  11. 16. The length of each musical sound
  12. 17. Getting louder
  13. 19. Very soft
  14. 21. It is made up of 5 horizontal lines
  15. 28. Leisurely