Music Terminology

  1. 2. means loud
  2. 4. doe, ray, me, fa, so, la, ti, doe
  3. 6. the era of music between 1820-2000
  4. 7. A group of beats containing a primary accent and one or more secondary accents, indicated by the placement of bar lines on the staff. The space between two bar lines
  5. 9. One who composes, conducts, or performs music, especially instrumental music
  6. 10. The G and F clef staffs together make the _________
  7. 12. Wind instruments made out of metal with either a cup- or funnel-shaped mouthpiece, such as trumpet, cornet, bugle
  8. 16. A succession of tones. The scale generally used in Western music is the diatonic scale, consisting of whole and half steps in a specific order.
  9. 18. means slow
  10. 19. means Very, very soft; the softest common dynamic marking
  11. 20. distance between two consecutive notes
  12. 23. speed of the music
  13. 26. A curved line placed above or below two or more notes of different pitch to indicate that they are to be performed in legato style
  14. 27. means fast and lively
  15. 29. A symbol for raising pitch one step
  16. 30. a pitched percussion instrument with keys
  17. 32. The term which denotes the organization of sound in time; the temporal quality of sound
  18. 34. best player in the orchestra
  19. 36. distance between three consecutive notes
  20. 38. means Half, Medium
  21. 39. The G clef falling on the second line of the staff
  22. 42. a smaller version of a trumpet with a lower sound
  23. 43. a ____ cancels a sharp or flat
  24. 44. The sharps or flats placed at the beginning of the staff to denote the scale upon which the music is based
  25. 46. Gradually slower. Synonymous with rallentando
  26. 48. Accent on an unexpected beat
  27. 49. means Very Slow
  28. 51. a pitch that has more than one letter name
  29. 52. The manipulation of a theme by the use of melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic changes
  30. 54. The degree to which notes are separated or connected, such as staccato or legato
  31. 55. Invented by Maelzel in 1816, the instrument is used to indicate the exact tempo of a composition
  32. 57. A sharp, flat, or natural not included in the given key
  33. 60. band with brass, percussion, and woodwinds that can march
  34. 65. to hold or pause
  35. 67. Indication by the conductor or a spoke word or gesture for a performer to make an entry
  36. 68. A symbol placed at the beginning of the staff to indicate the pitch of the notes on the staff. The most commonly used clefs in choral music are the G, or treble, clef and the F or bass clef . On the keyboard, all the notes above middle C are said to be in the G clef; all the notes below middle C in the F clef
  37. 69. Music conforming to certain form and structure. Usually music composed during the period 1770-1825
  38. 71. The study of how music is put together
  39. 73. the thing between two lines in a staff
  40. 74. means Mysteriously
  41. 76. largest string instrument, lowest sound
  42. 77. a rest for two beats in 4/4 time
  43. 79. means to repeat from the sign
  44. 81. The organization of sounds with some degree of rhythm, melody, and harmony
  45. 82. five lines, four spaces
  46. 83. band with woodwind, brass and percussion tha cannot march
  47. 85. A curved line over or below two or more notes of the same pitch. The first pitch is sung or played and held for the duration of the notes affected by the tie
  48. 86. A combination of three or more tones sounded simultaneously
  49. 88. horn an instrument with valves brass instrument with a funnel-shaped mouthpiece and a tube of conical bore coiled into a spiral
  50. 90. The other name for the F clef
  51. 92. note that holds for two beats in 4/4 time
  52. 93. a rest for four beats
  53. 94. a string instrument played on shoulder, smaller than violin
  54. 95. person that gives band ques and conducts the band
  1. 1. means medium tempo
  2. 2. means Very Very Loud
  3. 3. biggest streing instrument, usually at front of the orchestra
  4. 5. a note that holds for 1/2 a beat in 4/4 time
  5. 8. a group of instruments played with a reed
  6. 10. rapid scale achieved by sliding the nail of the thumb or third finger over the white keys of the piano. or sliding a slide on a trombone all the way down
  7. 11. A high-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a slender tube closed at one end with keys and finger holes on the side and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown
  8. 13. a ____ raises the note half a step
  9. 14. band withbrass and percussion that can march
  10. 15. means fast and Lively
  11. 16. A piece for large orchestra, usually in four movements, in which the first movement often is in sonata form. A large orchestra
  12. 17. a note that holds for 1/4 of a beat in 4/4 time
  13. 18. means moderately slow tempo
  14. 19. Instruments made of sonorous material that produce sounds of definite or indefinite pitch when shaken or struck, including drums, rattles, bells
  15. 21. A woodwind instrument having a straight cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys
  16. 22. Varying degrees of loud and soft
  17. 24. this affects pitch phrasing, tone quality,blend and balance
  18. 25. lines Short lines placed above and below the staff for pitches beyond the range of the staff
  19. 28. a note played for one beat in 4/4 time
  20. 29. means to gradually softer. Synonymous with decrescendo
  21. 31. the end
  22. 33. means medium sof
  23. 35. greatest violin maker in the 1660s
  24. 37. represents half the note in front of it
  25. 40. a ____ lowers a note half a step
  26. 41. very popular string instrument can be played acoustic or electric
  27. 45. placed above a note to indicate stress or emphasis
  28. 47. Any device that produces a musical sound is called an ____
  29. 50. An indication of divided musical parts one person plays top the other plays bottom
  30. 53. string instrument played on shoulder, best player of instrument is usually the concertmaster
  31. 56. means Majestically
  32. 58. biggest brass instrument with lowest sound
  33. 59. means to return to the beginning
  34. 60. means Medium loud
  35. 61. means very slow and dignified
  36. 62. one or more unstressed syllables at the beginning of a line of verse, before the reckoning of the normal meter begins
  37. 63. means to gradually get softer
  38. 64. The eighth tone above a given pitch, with twice as many vibrations per second, or below a given pitch, with half as many vibrations
  39. 66. The tone represented by a note on the first ledger line below a treble clef or the first ledger line above a bass clef.
  40. 70. means to gradually get louder
  41. 72. A large group of musicians made up of string, brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments
  42. 75. A woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece and a usually curved conical metal tube, including soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone sizes
  43. 76. lowers a note by one step
  44. 78. means very fast
  45. 80. when one person plays alone
  46. 82. to play in a detached style
  47. 84. marks the end of the music
  48. 87. a silent beat
  49. 89. A piece for two performers
  50. 90. Conductor's stick
  51. 91. a bass instrument of the violin, played upright