Music Terms

  1. 2. The constant and steady pulse of music
  2. 4. This type of note receives half a beat
  3. 5. Regularly recurring accent patterns used to count music
  4. 6. The song the Chamber Ensemble performed
  5. 7. A type of accidental that lowers the pitch a half step
  6. 10. The song the 7th grade band performed
  7. 12. The song the 6th grade band performed
  8. 15. This type of rest receives four beats
  9. 16. trumpet, trombone, and tuba are part of this family of instruments
  10. 19. This tells us what notes will always be sharp or flat for the entire song
  11. 21. The number of spaces on a staff
  12. 22. A type of accidental that raises the pitch a half step
  13. 25. The song the 8th grade band performed
  14. 26. We use barlines to divide music into these
  15. 27. flute, clarinet, and saxophone are part of this family of instruments
  16. 30. Treble and Bass are types of what
  1. 1. The number of layers in a piece of music
  2. 3. This tells us how many beats are in each measure
  3. 8. A type of accidental that cancels out previous accidentals
  4. 9. The speed of music
  5. 11. This type of note receives one beat
  6. 13. This symbol is at the very end of a piece of music
  7. 14. This type of rest receives two beats
  8. 17. The structure we write music on
  9. 18. How high or low a sound is
  10. 20. The flow of music of time
  11. 23. snare drum, bass drum, and cymbals are part of this family of instruments
  12. 24. The number of lines on a staff
  13. 28. The volume at which music is performed
  14. 29. adding this to a note or rest increases its value by half the original value