Music Terms

  1. 2. raises the note 1/2 step
  2. 8. slow tempo
  3. 11. play medium loud
  4. 13. play soft
  5. 14. 1/2 beat of sound
  6. 18. 1 beat of sound
  7. 19. play loud
  8. 23. divides staff in to measure
  9. 24. 4 beats of silence
  10. 27. flute, clarinet, sax, oboe, bassoon
  11. 28. medium tempo
  12. 29. gradually get louder
  13. 30. two parts played at the same time
  14. 31. 1 beat of silence
  15. 33. play again
  1. 1. tells you how loud or soft to play
  2. 3. notes that come before the first measure of music
  3. 4. 5 lines and 4 spaces that music is written
  4. 5. 2 beat of silence
  5. 6. 2 beats of sound
  6. 7. tell you how fast or slow to play
  7. 9. staff is divided in to these
  8. 10. 4 beats of sound
  9. 12. tells you how many beats in a measure
  10. 15. 1/2 beat of silence
  11. 16. tells you what notes are flat or sharp
  12. 17. gradually get softer
  13. 20. lowers the note 1/2 step
  14. 21. fast tempo
  15. 22. trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone, tuba
  16. 25. one person plays
  17. 26. drums, mallets, auxiliary
  18. 32. one group plays