Music Terms

  1. 1. What kind of clef would a low brass read from?
  2. 3. What kind of accidental lowers a note by a half step?
  3. 5. What kind of instrument is a triangle or cymbal?
  4. 7. How many beats does a Dotted Half Note get?
  5. 8. What is all music written on?
  6. 9. How many beats does a Half Note get?
  7. 13. How many beats does a Quarter Note get?
  8. 14. What symbol adds half of a notes value to it?
  9. 15. What are the space letter names on the Bass Clef?
  10. 16. What kind of rest gets one beat?
  11. 17. What are the line letter names on the Treble Clef?
  1. 1. What Kind of instrument is a trumpet or tuba?
  2. 2. What tells you how many beats are in a measure?
  3. 3. What are the space letter names on the Treble Clef?
  4. 4. How many beats does a Whole Note Get?
  5. 6. What is the word for the speed of a piece of music?
  6. 7. What kind of clef would a flute or clarinet read?
  7. 10. What kind of instrument is a flute or saxophone?
  8. 11. What are the line letter names on the Bass Clef?
  9. 12. What kind of accidental raises a note by a half step?