Music Terms

  1. 4. Separate the notes
  2. 6. Play softly
  3. 7. note Gets 2 beats in 4/4 time
  4. 9. Gradually get louder
  5. 10. Tells which sharps or flats to use
  6. 12. signature How many beats in a measure
  7. 13. Play medium loud
  8. 15. Play very softly
  9. 18. Play medium soft
  10. 22. Push hard at the beginning of the note
  11. 23. note Gets one beat in 4/4 time
  12. 24. Cancels a sharp or flat
  1. 1. Gets four beats in 4/4 time
  2. 2. Gradually get softer
  3. 3. Speed
  4. 5. Fast
  5. 8. Play loud
  6. 11. Play very loud
  7. 14. Lowers a note one half step
  8. 16. Song writer
  9. 17. Medium speed
  10. 19. Gradually slowing
  11. 20. Raises a note one half step
  12. 21. Do not tongue
  13. 22. Walking speed