Music Terms

  1. 2. Loud.
  2. 3. little (for example, poco a poco crescendo, "getting louder little by little").
  3. 4. also called the "G" clef.
  4. 8. It is an instrument of indefinite pitch made from a steel bar bent into the shape of a triangle.
  5. 9. It is rested on the floor while played.
  6. 10. accomplished 3 great operas Don Giovanni, The Magic Flute, and TheMarriage of Figaro.
  7. 11. a small rectangular wind instrument with a row of metal reeds along its length.
  8. 12. the words of song.
  9. 14. The first note of a key (I)
  10. 17. Hold; pause.
  11. 18. Very soft.
  12. 21. a part of a song which is repeated after each verse.
  13. 25. The directing of a group of musicians.
  14. 26. Circular brass plates that come in various sizes and can be held in hands and struck together.
  15. 27. adjust instrument to the correct pitch.
  16. 28. singing without instrumental accompaniment.
  17. 30. A brass instrument which produces sound by pressing valves.
  18. 34. A large orchestra.
  19. 36. The study of how music is put together.
  20. 37. a group of singers.
  21. 39. a hollow container filled with beans or similar objects, shaken as a percussion instrument.
  22. 40. a band that marches (as in a parade) and plays music at the same time.
  23. 41. accent on an unexpected beat.
  24. 43. Synonymous with meter signature.
  25. 44. a system of indicating by numbers which finger should play which note on keyboard, wind, or stringed instruments.
  26. 46. The sharps or flats placed at the beginning of the staff to denote the scale upon which the music is based.
  27. 51. A musical symbol which cancels a previous sharp or flat.
  28. 53. Very, very soft; the softest common dynamic marking.
  29. 55. Any device that produces a musical sound.
  30. 60. A term used to describe notes of the same pitch which have different names.
  31. 61. a symbol at the beginning of a line of music that denotes the pitch of a particular note.
  32. 62. a curve over notes to indicate that a phrase is to be played legate.
  33. 63. Half, Medium.
  34. 64. Instruments made out of metal with either a cup- or funnel-shaped mouthpiece.
  35. 66. a curved line indicating that two separate notes should be played as a single note moving part of a trombone.
  36. 67. a group of musicians playing brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments, typically while marching.
  37. 69. the interval between two notes six whole tones.
  38. 72. Played under the chin and is bowed or plucked to make a sound.
  39. 73. the moving part of a trombone.
  40. 75. a musical percussion instrument having a set of tuned metal pieces mounted in a frame and struck with small hammers.
  41. 78. a note or notes that precede the first full bar.
  42. 79. Instruments with strings that produce sound when plucked, bowed, or struck.
  43. 81. 2 beats.
  44. 82. Published his first musical composition at 11.
  45. 83. Used to describe the pitches of a chord played one after the other, rather than simultaneously.
  46. 87. Most commonly played in jazz music.
  47. 89. On wind instruments, articulation with the tongue.
  48. 90. The most frequently used staff has five horizontal lines, with four spaces.
  49. 91. aka kettledrums, unlike most other drums, has a definite pitch.
  50. 92. looks like a top hat.
  51. 93. To perform alone.
  1. 1. a series or other collection of ingredients or actions.
  2. 2. A symbol which lowers the pitch of a note one half step.
  3. 3. Very fast.
  4. 5. Gradually slower.
  5. 6. the vertical line which separates one measure from the next.
  6. 7. to the end.
  7. 12. Smooth, connected.
  8. 13. the frequency of a note; how high or deep it sounds.
  9. 14. A brass instrument that produces sounds by a U shaped slide.
  10. 15. a period of silence within a piece of music.
  11. 16. The fifth degree of the major or minor scale.(V)
  12. 17. valved brass musical instrument like a cornet.
  13. 18. Instruments produce sounds of definite or indefinite pitch when shaken or struck.
  14. 19. Six strings and many frets to produce sound.
  15. 20. held for half of a beat
  16. 22. Has a double-reeded woodwind instrument with a cone shaped bore.
  17. 23. A string instrument with 46 strings and a series of foot pedals.
  18. 24. In Britain, it is called a crotchet.
  19. 25. time a time equivalent to 4/4.
  20. 29. Very slow.
  21. 30. The largest brass instrument that produces a deep sound, controlled by pressing valves.
  22. 31. Consists of 88 keys on which sound is produced by hammers striking strings when the keys are pressed.
  23. 32. Instruments, made of wood, in which sound is produced by the vibration of air.
  24. 33. intervals involving only notes proper to the prevailing key without chromatic alteration.
  25. 35. First chair violinist in an orchestra.
  26. 38. Medium loud.
  27. 40. the British term for a half note.
  28. 42. Medium soft.
  29. 44. Woodwind instrument made of wood or metal that is closed at one end. It produces medium to high pitched sounds.
  30. 45. in wind instruments, the piece of cane that the player causes to vibrate by blowing through it, in order to produce sound.
  31. 47. Varying degrees of loud and soft.
  32. 48. on brass instruments, the pistons that alter the pitch by changing the length of the tube through which air passes.
  33. 49. the degree to which notes are separated or connected.
  34. 50. a large clarinet whose range is an octave below the B-flat clarinet.
  35. 52. Gradually louder.
  36. 54. Detached sounds, indicated by a dot over or under a note.
  37. 56. A half step. The smallest interval on the keyboard.
  38. 57. an additional performance or achievement
  39. 58. a church song.
  40. 59. a steady background ‘pulse’ in music.
  41. 65. the full copy of all notes to be played in a musical work.
  42. 67. used to amplify voices.
  43. 68. Fast.
  44. 70. Moderate tempo.
  45. 71. a percussion instrument with sets of horizontally arranged wooden bars to be struck by wooden sticks.
  46. 74. also called the "F" clef.
  47. 76. the position of the lips in wind instrument playing, by which the player controls the sound.
  48. 77. a pair of concave shells joined on one edge by a string.
  49. 79. A symbol which raises the pitch of a note one-half step.
  50. 80. 4 beats
  51. 84. a concert by a soloist, with or without accompaniment.
  52. 85. reed pipes that are sounded by the pressure of wind emitted from a bag squeezed by the player's arm.
  53. 86. Moderate(ly).
  54. 88. a round open-backed sound box of parchment stretched over a metal hoop.
  55. 89. The rate of speed in a musical work.