- 1. Series of different lengths of sound.
- 5. The number of piano pedals.
- 6. Loud in Italian.
- 7. Five lines and four spaces.
- 8. Divides measures.
- 10. Medium in Italian.
- 12. Slowing down gradually.
- 14. Getting softer.
- 17. The clef that means low notes and F.
- 19. A musical thought or sentence.
- 20. You should practice at least this many minutes a day.
- 21. Divided by bar lines.
- 22. Raises a note a half step.
- 2. The clef that means high notes and G.
- 3. Getting louder.
- 4. Moderately
- 9. Means to play one note louder.
- 11. Two staves in one for a pianist.
- 13. Speed
- 15. Cancels a sharp or flat.
- 16. Lowers a note a half step.
- 18. Soft in Italian.
- 20. The study of music composition.