Music Terms

  1. 1. Series of different lengths of sound.
  2. 5. The number of piano pedals.
  3. 6. Loud in Italian.
  4. 7. Five lines and four spaces.
  5. 8. Divides measures.
  6. 10. Medium in Italian.
  7. 12. Slowing down gradually.
  8. 14. Getting softer.
  9. 17. The clef that means low notes and F.
  10. 19. A musical thought or sentence.
  11. 20. You should practice at least this many minutes a day.
  12. 21. Divided by bar lines.
  13. 22. Raises a note a half step.
  1. 2. The clef that means high notes and G.
  2. 3. Getting louder.
  3. 4. Moderately
  4. 9. Means to play one note louder.
  5. 11. Two staves in one for a pianist.
  6. 13. Speed
  7. 15. Cancels a sharp or flat.
  8. 16. Lowers a note a half step.
  9. 18. Soft in Italian.
  10. 20. The study of music composition.