Music Theory

  1. 3. To play or sing 2 or more notes smoothly connected
  2. 8. Mode that is a major scale
  3. 10. Mode that is a major scale with the 7th lowered a half step
  4. 11. Loud
  5. 14. Rate of speed
  6. 16. Very loud
  7. 19. Very slow
  8. 20. 4th step of a scale
  9. 22. Four
  10. 24. Slow tempo (60 bpm)
  11. 25. A 3-note chord consisting of a root, 3rd and 5th.
  12. 26. 1st step of a scale
  13. 27. The Interval of an 8th
  14. 28. Moderately
  1. 1. The 3rd scale degree
  2. 2. Gradually louder
  3. 4. Gradually softer
  4. 5. 5th step of a scale
  5. 6. Gradually faster
  6. 7. Mode that is a natural minor scale
  7. 9. Soft
  8. 12. The note from which the chord gets its name
  9. 13. Using all semitones
  10. 15. Quick tempo (180 bpm)
  11. 17. The distance in pitch between two notes
  12. 18. Mode that is a natural minor scale with the 6th raised a half step
  13. 19. Mode that is a major scale with the 4th raised a half step
  14. 21. Augmented 4th or Diminished 5th
  15. 23. Clef used for notes in the lower pitch range