- 3. To play or sing 2 or more notes smoothly connected
- 8. Mode that is a major scale
- 10. Mode that is a major scale with the 7th lowered a half step
- 11. Loud
- 14. Rate of speed
- 16. Very loud
- 19. Very slow
- 20. 4th step of a scale
- 22. Four
- 24. Slow tempo (60 bpm)
- 25. A 3-note chord consisting of a root, 3rd and 5th.
- 26. 1st step of a scale
- 27. The Interval of an 8th
- 28. Moderately
- 1. The 3rd scale degree
- 2. Gradually louder
- 4. Gradually softer
- 5. 5th step of a scale
- 6. Gradually faster
- 7. Mode that is a natural minor scale
- 9. Soft
- 12. The note from which the chord gets its name
- 13. Using all semitones
- 15. Quick tempo (180 bpm)
- 17. The distance in pitch between two notes
- 18. Mode that is a natural minor scale with the 6th raised a half step
- 19. Mode that is a major scale with the 4th raised a half step
- 21. Augmented 4th or Diminished 5th
- 23. Clef used for notes in the lower pitch range