- 4. Lowers the note by a half step
- 5. A set of 8 notes in succession
- 9. Uses Roman Numerals to signify chords
- 11. Two combined half steps
- 13. Raises the 7th note by a half step.
- 15. Uses R->4hs->4hs
- 17. Uses R->3hs->3hs
- 1. From one note to an adjacent note
- 2. Erases the sharp or flat
- 3. Uses R->4hs->3hs
- 6. Another name for sharps and flats
- 7. Raises the 6th and 7th note by a half step.
- 8. Uses WWhWWWh
- 10. Also called a triad (or snowman)
- 12. Chord Uses R->3hs->4hs
- 14. Uses WhWWhWW
- 16. Raises the note by a half step