Music Theory

  1. 2. soft
  2. 4. loud
  3. 6. pitch or duration of sound
  4. 7. very loud
  5. 8. different levels of sound
  6. 9. rhythmic unit in music
  7. 10. bottom part of the grand staff
  8. 13. moderately soft
  9. 14. higher pitch
  10. 16. top of the grand staff
  11. 17. moderately loud
  12. 19. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do
  1. 1. a very high vocal voice
  2. 3. a high vocal voice
  3. 5. - very soft
  4. 7. lower in pitch
  5. 11. lines or spaces above the regular music staff
  6. 12. movement pattern of sound
  7. 15. joins notes of different notes
  8. 18. joins notes on the same note