Music Theory

  1. 2. soft
  2. 4. clef most commonly used
  3. 6. fires cause great destruction and everything burns
  4. 7. to help separate and organize notes
  5. 8. load
  6. 10. note one beat
  7. 11. signature to show how many notes you say per measure
  8. 12. to signify the tempo. what u need to play or sing
  9. 14. extra soft
  10. 15. slowly getting louder
  1. 1. rest takes up four beats/one measure
  2. 3. do re mi fa sol etc.
  3. 5. slowly getting quieter
  4. 7. forte medium loud
  5. 8. very loud
  6. 9. rest takes up two notes
  7. 13. clef it looks like a sad face/ has lower notes
  8. 16. to signify where you stop playing/singing