- 3. the same note over two measures
- 5. when a piece gets louder over time
- 7. a note that doesn't have a sound
- 9. a line to separate measures
- 11. a note that takes two beats in 4/4 time
- 13. playing a piece moderately loud
- 15. playing a piece very quietly
- 16. playing a piece very loud
- 18. when a piece gets quieter over time
- 20. a staff of the treble and bass clef
- 21. do re mi fa sol la ti do
- 1. a note that takes one beat in 4/4 time
- 2. a segment with a specific number of beats
- 4. a note that takes 4 beats in 4/4 time
- 5. a time signature of 4/4
- 6. a played sound
- 8. a connection of different notes
- 10. playing a piece quietly
- 12. playing a piece moderately quietly
- 14. the amount of beats per measure and which note gets a beat
- 17. the lines across the staff that indicate the pitch of a note
- 19. playing a piece loud