Music Theory

  1. 2. A symbol marking the length of a pause in music.
  2. 5. A note played for one quarter of the duration of a semi breve.
  3. 6. A repeated phrase that sets and maintains the rhythm and tempo of a piece.
  4. 7. breve A note who's length is equal to four beats in a 4/4 time signature.
  5. 8. An art form whose medium is sound and silence.
  6. 10. A note who's value is equal to an eighth of a minim.
  7. 13. A style of music that originated in the deep south in the USA from spirituals, work songs and field hollers. Often characterised by the twelve bar chord progression.
  1. 1. A symbol that indicates an increase in the duration of a note by half its original value.
  2. 2. The pattern of musical movement through time.
  3. 3. A segment of time defined by a given number of beats.
  4. 4. A genre of music with a thick sound, characterised by highly amplified distortion, extended guitar solos and overall loudness.
  5. 6. A style of alternative rock that developed in the mid 1980's, characterised by distorted guitars, contrasting dynamics and angst filled lyrics.
  6. 9. A group of three notes having the time value of two notes of the same kind.
  7. 10. A set of five horizontal lines and four spaces that each represent a different pitch or in the case of percussion represents different percussion instruments.
  8. 11. A note who's length is equal to half of a semi breve.
  9. 12. A note who's length is equal to an eighth of a semi breve.