music theory

  1. 1. A summary of the pitches in a piece of music arranged in order from the lowest to the highest.
  2. 3. An organized succession of pitches.
  3. 6. The speed of the beat in music
  4. 8. a pause in the music, indicated by this sign.
  5. 10. gradually get softer
  6. 13. A rhythm accented on notes that are not usually stressed.
  7. 15. gradually get louder
  8. 17. A curved line connecting two notes indicated to play them as a single note.
  9. 18. Step/ An interval consisting of two half steps.
  10. 19. The division of the beat in simple meter (div. by two) into four equal parts or in compound meter (div. by three) into six equal parts.
  11. 21. A meter that consists of two beats.
  1. 2. Line/ A small line written above or below the staff to extend its range.
  2. 4. Two notes that sound the same but are spelled differently.
  3. 5. Meter/ A meter consisting of four beats.
  4. 7. Signature/ The arrangement of accidentals at the beginning of a staff
  5. 9. The process of rewriting a piece of music or a scale so that is sounds higher or lower in pitch. This involves raising or lowering each pitch by the same interval.
  6. 11. The keynote of a piece of music. The tone that is felt to be a point of rest. Music often concludes on this note for a feeling of completeness.
  7. 12. class/ All notes of the same name on the keyboard
  8. 14. a scale having five tones to the octave, usually avoiding half steps
  9. 16. The relationship between two tones.
  10. 20. Two pitches that are the same. Several singers singing a melody together.