  1. 3. staff Combined treble and bass staffs
  2. 6. The high female register
  3. 10. The distance between the lowest and highest pitches of the voice
  4. 11. Symbol that lowers a pitch by one half step
  5. 14. piano Medium soft
  6. 15. The sustaining of a pitch
  7. 19. Very soft
  8. 20. A sharp, flat, or natural occurring outside of the given key signature within a composition
  9. 21. Symbol that raises a pitch by a half step
  10. 22. line Vertical dividing line between measures on a musical staff
  11. 25. A faint tone that is generated when any one tone is sounded
  12. 27. Sequence of tones arranged in rising pitches
  13. 28. Symbol that cancels out a sharp or flat
  14. 31. signature Designation of flats and sharps at the beginning of a composition to indicate it's basic scale and tonality
  15. 32. Loud
  16. 33. The high male range
  1. 1. A musical form where parts enter at different times but have the same melody throughout
  2. 2. Very fast
  3. 4. Soft
  4. 5. The distance in pitch between two tones
  5. 7. scale A scale made up of 5 notes within the octave
  6. 8. The pace which the music moves
  7. 9. The loudness or softness of a musical passage
  8. 12. A gradual decrease in the loudness of sound
  9. 13. clef Symbol that indicates the placement of F below middle C
  10. 16. Very loud
  11. 17. The intermediate male voice
  12. 18. range The span from highest to the lowest pitch a person can sing
  13. 19. The highness or lowness of a sound
  14. 20. The lower female register
  15. 23. A fast and lively tempo
  16. 24. A symbol indicating pitch designations for the lines and spaces on the staff
  17. 26. An interval of 8 pitches
  18. 27. Method of sight reading using the syllables DO,RE,MI,FA,SOL,LA,TI,and DO
  19. 29. capella Singing without instrumental accompaniment
  20. 30. A chord of 3 tones containing a root, a third, and a fifth