- 2. Lowers the pitch 1/2 step
- 3. A specific musical tone
- 5. When two or more different pitches are played at the same time.
- 9. Musical symbols which indicate silence.
- 11. A curved line that connects two or more notes of the same pitch.
- 12. half note Three beats
- 15. The long and short sounds in a musical phrase
- 16. A composition for two musicians
- 17. A series o eight pitches.
- 18. A sign at the beginning of the staff which indicates the names of the lines and spaces
- 21. Gradually getting softer
- 26. Locates G above middle C on the musical staff.
- 28. A vertical line that divides a musical staff into measures.
- 30. Musical symbol indicating to play a note short.
- 34. Make stronger.
- 35. Instruments that are struck to make a sound.
- 36. Soft
- 1. Volume level of the music.
- 2. Very Loud
- 4. Locates F below middle C on the music staff.
- 6. Cancels out sharps and flats.
- 7. A person who writes music
- 8. The space on a music staff between two bar lines.
- 10. A curved line that connects two or more notes of different pitch.
- 13. A musical sentence several measures in length.
- 14. A musical sentence
- 19. Loud
- 20. Very soft
- 22. The director of a band or orchestra
- 23. Three or more pitches sounded together
- 24. Pause. Hold.
- 25. The end.
- 27. A unit of time.
- 29. Raises a pitch 1/2 step.
- 31. The speed of the music.
- 32. Gradually getting louder
- 33. Five parallel lines and four spaces on which music is written