
  1. 6. attack the note harder
  2. 7. one plays top;one plays bottom
  3. 11. play the same note
  4. 12. 1 count of sound
  5. 14. b
  6. 16. 3/4,4/4,2/4
  7. 18. G Clef
  8. 19. 2 counts of sound
  9. 21. go back to the beginning or repeat sign
  10. 22. how loud or soft you play
  11. 25. F Clef
  12. 27. how fast or slow you play
  13. 28. a person who leads an ensemble
  14. 31. line to a line
  15. 32. spaces of the treble staff
  16. 33. everyone plays
  17. 34. soft
  18. 37. hold the note until director cuts you off
  19. 38. A to A; C to C; Bb to Bb
  1. 1. 4 counts of silence
  2. 2. lines of the treble clef
  3. 3. tells you what is b or #
  4. 4. #
  5. 5. adds half the value of the previous note
  6. 8. 4 counts of sound
  7. 9. fast
  8. 10. cancels a b or #
  9. 12. 1 count of silence
  10. 13. connects two of the same notes
  11. 15. one person plays
  12. 17. 2 counts of silence
  13. 20. walking pace
  14. 23. theme of a song
  15. 24. connects two different notes
  16. 26. loud
  17. 28. a person who writes music
  18. 29. sequence of note values
  19. 30. group/section plays
  20. 35. 5 lines
  21. 36. D.C.