
  1. 2. ... to one's ears
  2. 6. sung music
  3. 7. are played to make music
  4. 10. half a tone down
  5. 11. percussion instrument
  6. 12. composed of strings, woodwinds brass and percussion
  7. 14. group of music players
  8. 15. writes music
  9. 18. played one by one
  10. 19. what music is written on
  11. 20. made of five lines and 4 spaces
  12. 21. one more than a duo
  1. 1. can be fast or slow
  2. 3. half tone up
  3. 4. do to do
  4. 5. leads the band
  5. 8. violin, cello, bass
  6. 9. a dot over the note denotes this
  7. 13. trumpets, tuba, trombone
  8. 16. is also a dance
  9. 17. B flat is one
  10. 20. played alone