
  1. 4. is a brown instrument that you play with a bow and pluck the strings
  2. 5. is when a note is high
  3. 6. a very popular instrument, with six strings and are used in most bands
  4. 8. high and low sounds
  5. 9. a silver instrument that sounds very light and soft and high
  6. 10. a famous Russian composer, who composed some music for a popular ballet
  7. 12. two semitones ( whole step )
  8. 14. two beats, half a semibreve
  9. 15. an instrument you hit, creating sound waves and is part of the percussion family
  10. 16. is another famous composer, who composers the famous Symphony number 5 first movement
  11. 17. a very nice sounding intstrument that has white and black keys
  12. 18. a piece of fine wood that vibrates as you blow to make a sound
  1. 1. is a black long intrument with silver pushy buttons things and uses a reed
  2. 2. a sweet sounding instrument that also SOUMDS very magical and is played by plucking strings
  3. 3. is an instrument played by Bach and it sounds very spooky
  4. 5. a gold instrument that also uses a reed
  5. 7. is a one beat note, in America they call it Quarter Notes
  6. 9. is when a note is lower
  7. 11. is a four beat note, also known as a whole note
  8. 13. very next note ( half steps )