
  1. 2. the number of children J.S. had
  2. 6. first time graceful second time more sturdy
  3. 8. what instrument was Four Season originally wrote for
  4. 10. peace
  5. 11. fast and lively
  6. 14. each of the four seasons is a...
  7. 15. twelve thousand people came to watch it
  8. 17. considered as the pop star or celebrity at that time
  9. 19. a stage play rather sang than spoken
  10. 21. use to be a major world power
  11. 23. J.S.'s first wife
  1. 1. how many movements does each season have
  2. 2. the number of wives J.S. had
  3. 3. three pairs of it used outdoors
  4. 4. last name of german composer
  5. 5. music period between 1600-1750
  6. 7. age of when J.S became an orphan
  7. 8. first person to write the first opera
  8. 9. music for the royal...
  9. 11. J.S.'s second wife
  10. 12. two clear sections AB
  11. 13. Vivaldi was inspired by ... to compose Four Seasons
  12. 16. first movement for one of Handel's famous music
  13. 18. music that tells a story
  14. 20. what did Italians expressed mostly through singing
  15. 22. J. S.'s lastname