
  1. 2. A traditional panpipe has how many pipes?
  2. 5. The number of beats in each measure
  3. 12. Canadian-born teen idol of the 1950s-60s wrote the lyrics to Sinatra's song My Way
  4. 15. An instrument most commonly seen with six strings
  5. 16. Has five lines and four spaces
  6. 17. The bow of this instrument is the longest bow in an orchestra
  7. 18. Considered as the Greek God of Music
  8. 21. Also known colloquially as kettle drums, they consist of a skin called a head stretched over a large bowl commonly made of copper
  9. 23. What City opera house does the “Phantom of the Opera” prowl?
  10. 26. Composer that is considered “Master of the Fugues”
  11. 27. The number of lines on a music staff
  12. 28. An instrument named for its shape
  13. 29. It is the meaning of allegro
  14. 30. Family of instruments that must be hit to make sound
  15. 33. Which composer learnt to play piano before he could read?
  16. 34. Which double-reed instrument, dating back to the medieval and Renaissance periods, is the predecessor of the oboe?
  17. 36. They are one of the two instrument types that form the modern drum kit, other than the drum
  18. 39. Usually made of wood, and you'll find it at the front of a wind ensemble
  19. 40. The leader of the band
  20. 42. The band ABBA belonged to which country?
  21. 43. A classical guitar has these many strings
  22. 44. This instrument is mainly known for jazz music. It is a woodwind, but made out of metal and it curves up near the bell
  23. 46. Which 'skinned' instrument that forms part of the big bands rhythm section?
  24. 47. Clef used for higher sounds
  25. 48. Instrument that was formally on the coins of Ireland
  1. 1. This stringed instrument is featured in many Elizabethan compositions. Often equipped with several courses of strings, its distinctive feature is a half-pear shaped back
  2. 3. A musical scale comprises how many notes?
  3. 4. What country’s national orchestra is bigger than its army?
  4. 6. An instrument with 88 keys that are usually black and white
  5. 7. It has wooden bars with metal resonators beneath
  6. 8. A type of psaltery or zither, the name of this instrument literally means "sweet sound"
  7. 9. Old household item has been turned into a musical instrument
  8. 10. A large, deep toned instrument
  9. 11. If a musical tone is lowered using a 'flat', what is it that refers to a higher tone
  10. 13. Drums that is used in Nigeria as a communication system
  11. 14. Loud in music
  12. 19. Smallest member of the flute family
  13. 20. On a guitar, the raised metal stripes across the fingerboard are called this
  14. 22. This instrument is often called a cornett. It can play as loudly as a trumpet or can approximate the sound of a human voice
  15. 24. Violin belongs in this section of the orchestra
  16. 25. First song to be performed in outer space
  17. 26. Clef used for lower sounds
  18. 31. This instrument is associated with music such as folk, country and bluegrass. It has four or five strings
  19. 32. Silence
  20. 35. The saxophone is a member of which family of instruments?
  21. 37. This instrument looks like a bed post and is played with a double reed that connects to the instrument using a bocal
  22. 38. A violin is usually played using this device consisting of a stick with a ribbon of horsehair strung between the tip and frog (or nut, or heel) at opposite ends
  23. 41. This wooden flute-like instrument features a lip, a fipple, and a windway
  24. 45. Largest brass instrument