Musical Symbols

  1. 3. slide from one note to the next very smoothly
  2. 4. speed of the beat
  3. 7. go back and play/sing it again
  4. 10. symbol that tells us to make sound
  5. 11. fast
  6. 12. short like a tiptoe
  7. 13. very slow
  8. 14. distance between two pitches
  9. 16. emphasize a note
  10. 18. steady pulse
  1. 1. loud
  2. 2. symbol that tells us to be silent
  3. 5. soft
  4. 6. medium speed
  5. 8. a "chunk" of music
  6. 9. volume of music
  7. 15. walking speed
  8. 17. 5 lines and 4 spaces