My Among Us AU

  1. 5. The sky base that Aioki hates.(Fear of heights)
  2. 6. Annoying nobody,crewmate cyan.
  3. 7. Aioki's weapon of choice.
  4. 8. Aioki's wife, an engineer,crewmate,purple.
  5. 9. Crystal's weapon of choice.
  6. 10. Self absorbed, crewmate, yellow.
  7. 12. Fancy guy, crewmate, grey.
  8. 13. Doctor on the Skeld,crewmate, Orange.
  9. 14. Arrogant, cocky, manipulative, impostor, blue.
  10. 15. Aioki's brother,broken voice,impostor, purple.
  11. 17. Aioki's crewmate twin, impostor hunter, lime.
  12. 19. The planet crewmates discovered that Aioki loves.
  13. 20. Crystal's boyfriend,Communications expert,crewmate,brown.
  14. 21. Survived an impostor attack,crewmate, red.
  1. 1. Captain of the Skeld,crewmate,white.
  2. 2. Aioki's sister,annoying,impostor, lime.
  3. 3. The space ship that most of the crewmates die on.
  4. 4. Aioki and Crystal's favorite way of killing.
  5. 8. Echo's favorite way of killing.
  6. 11. The air ship that Aioki hates.(Fear of heights)
  7. 13. Innocent impostor that hangs out with Aioki, white.
  8. 16. Janitor on the Skeld,crewmate, black.
  9. 18. Echo's weapon of choice.