My Body Systems

  1. 2. The control center of the body.
  2. 5. I use these to help me move.
  3. 7. Largest organ in the body.
  4. 9. Lungs are the main organ in this system.
  5. 11. Carry blood to the heart.
  6. 12. The food I eat provides this for my body.
  7. 13. Food pipe.
  8. 14. 206 in my body.
  9. 15. This system gives my body shape and protects my organs.
  1. 1. The primary organ in this system is the stomach.
  2. 3. Carry blood away from the heart.
  3. 4. Organ that filters blood and waste.
  4. 6. This system pumps blood through my body.
  5. 8. The spinal cord helps to deliver.
  6. 10. Wind pipe.