My Brother Sam Is Dead

  1. 2. A British soldier,from the color of his clothes [red]
  2. 3. Tar A sailor
  3. 6. Rum and Water
  4. 7. The act of looking or searching for food or provisions
  5. 8. Burgundy Wine
  6. 10. Trousers ending above the knee
  7. 12. A heavy steel faced iron block
  8. 13. Unit of Money, equivalent to 20 shillings
  1. 1. Unpartitioned room overlooking another room
  2. 2. A blockhead or stupid fellow
  3. 4. A cut or curtailed dog,disabled from chasing game
  4. 5. Headed Dull,Stupid
  5. 7. A small beer
  6. 9. Arms To stack firearms on the ground
  7. 11. To steal