My Computer Anatomy Crossword - Srividya.M

  1. 2. provides image to a monitor.
  2. 4. houses most of your computer.
  3. 6. you can input, transport and output though this device.
  4. 8. no one really uses it because its old.
  5. 10. used for better sound quality.
  6. 12. transports power through coloured cables to devices.
  1. 1. used to connect different types of peripherals.
  2. 3. printers and scanner are connected to a computer using this
  3. 5. lets peripherals communicate quickly with the processor.
  4. 7. activates when you turn on a computer.
  5. 9. stores temporary information.
  6. 11. carries the instructions of a computer. Also known as a brain.
  7. 12. a port