  1. 2. the high part of a hill next to the sea
  2. 6. a place where people get on and off airplanes
  3. 7. water with salt that is a big part of our planet
  4. 9. a long wide line of water that goes into the sea
  5. 11. land between hills or mountains
  6. 12. a long hole in the ground for cars or trains
  1. 1. high land
  2. 2. a part of land with its own people
  3. 3. a thing over a road or a river so that people, trains or cars can cross it
  4. 4. a part of land with a lot of trees
  5. 5. a big water with land all around it
  6. 8. a part of land next to the sea
  7. 10. a part of land with water all around it