My Dream

  1. 2. If you study hard you will _____ the exam.
  2. 3. The day-at-work program is coming _____.
  3. 6. I want to do _____ for others.
  4. 7. If I go to China, I will need an _____.
  5. 8. Food that is grown without chemicals is _____.
  6. 9. "Is the day-at-work program coming soon?" "Yes, _____."
  7. 12. Growing plants and raising animals is _____.
  1. 1. I want to be an _____.
  2. 2. Vincent Van Gogh was a famous _____.
  3. 4. Gavin wants to travel _____.
  4. 5. Listen to my _____.
  5. 10. Koji wants to study _____ in America.
  6. 11. I want to _____ around the world.