My Family+ The Possessive

  1. 3. My dad's mum is my...
  2. 4. My sister's son is my...
  3. 6. My mum is my grandparents'...
  4. 7. My mum's dad is my...
  5. 9. Her dad is my stepfather.
  6. 12. My mum's new husband is my...
  7. 16. My aunt and uncle's children are my...
  8. 17. I am the last child.
  9. 18. My dad is my grandparents'...
  1. 1. I am the first child.
  2. 2. My dad's new wife is my...
  3. 4. My brother's daughter is my...
  4. 5. His mum is my stepmother.
  5. 8. My parents are married. My dad is my mum's...
  6. 10. I don't have any brothers or sisters.
  7. 11. My parents are married. My mum is my dad's...
  8. 13. My mum and dad are my...
  9. 14. My mum's brother is my...
  10. 15. My dad's sister is my...