My Fandoms

  1. 3. Animated series of Comedy Central
  2. 5. Company/movies about superheroes
  3. 7. Animated series by Edd Gould
  4. 9. Horror Movie inspired by the book of Stephen King
  5. 10. Characters created by unknown people /Countries
  6. 12. Gamers/Youtubers
  7. 13. Gory Game made by YandereDev
  8. 17. Horror game made by Micah Mcgonigal
  9. 19. Horror characters/stories created by unknown people
  10. 20. Roblox group/Myths
  11. 21. Gory animated series by ???
  12. 22. Romance Anime/Harem
  13. 24. Cute anime/group of four
  14. 25. Horror Anime/Zombies
  15. 26. 3D animated series by Rooster Teeth
  1. 1. Horror game/1000 doors
  2. 2. An animator/ By the way
  3. 3. Horror Game made by ZeoWorks
  4. 4. Animated series soon coming on TV
  5. 6. A Musical
  6. 8. Horror game by Dan Salvato
  7. 11. Horror game/Egg
  8. 14. An animator/Edgy
  9. 15. Animated series by Rooster Teeth
  10. 16. Horror Anime/Includes Ghosts
  11. 17. Horror game by The Meatly
  12. 18. Game made by MDHR
  13. 23. Animated series/ watchable on TV