My Friend Max

  1. 1. A type of wheelchair facility
  2. 3. Max needs one of these
  3. 6. What school does Max want to go to?
  4. 8. You can make people laugh if you are ?
  5. 9. someone who is sporty
  6. 10. What can't Max do?
  7. 11. Max is a ? friend
  8. 13. Max and Jordan were ? in Jordans room
  1. 1. What grade will Jordan and Max be in next week?
  2. 2. How much time will it take to get to Carlson Middle School?
  3. 3. What does the school need to have for Max?
  4. 4. who is in the photo?
  5. 5. You can listen to it
  6. 7. Jordan and Max live ? to each other
  7. 12. An outdoor activity