My Heart is at Ease

  1. 2. The leader of Germany during World War 2.
  2. 5. The country that freed Gerto Solan from her concentration camp.
  3. 7. The government system used by Czechoslovakia after World War 2.
  4. 8. The country the main character immigrated to for for a better life.
  5. 9. The act of being hatred against any Jewish people.
  6. 11. The country that started World War 2.
  7. 12. An area where Jewish people were forced into before being sent to a concentration camp.
  1. 1. The use of bias media to promote a certain political point of view.
  2. 2. The genocide of Jewish Europeans during World War 2.
  3. 3. The name of the concentration camp the main character was in.
  4. 4. The surname of the main character.
  5. 6. The city where the main character was born.
  6. 10. The act of moving from one country to another.