My Hero Academia Characters

  1. 1. The largest member of "The Lurkers"
  2. 4. Ever been stabbed by a feather?
  3. 6. Smile
  4. 7. Red Riot
  5. 9. SHOOOOUTOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
  6. 11. Apollo
  7. 13. Probably hates apple's newer designs
  8. 15. Teaches Math
  9. 16. Folding Ninja
  10. 18. Gunhead's disciple
  11. 19. Controls thread
  12. 21. Entomophobic
  13. 24. Best friends with nurse
  14. 27. Many eyes means you can't sneak up on him
  15. 29. Apathetic teacher
  16. 30. The class representative
  1. 2. Gets stomachaches
  2. 3. Gets dumber as they use their quirk
  3. 5. Throws grapes
  4. 7. - Woods
  5. 8. Drill Seargent
  6. 10. Revelry in the dark
  7. 12. Heterochromatic
  8. 14. enjoys tea
  9. 17. Call me ____
  10. 20. Enjoys baking
  11. 22. Acid
  12. 23. She has zero time visible on-screen
  13. 25. Martial artist with a tail
  14. 26. Captured by a slime monster
  15. 28. Zoom Zoom