My Little Pony

  1. 2. Bad bunny
  2. 3. Sidekick
  3. 9. The ____, trio of evil
  4. 10. King _____, Spanish for shadow
  5. 11. Represents honesty
  6. 14. Pegasus territory
  7. 16. Friendship is _____
  8. 19. Our lesbian queen
  9. 20. Dream walker
  10. 22. Written by A.K Yearling
  11. 24. The world--as ponies know it
  12. 25. She's great and powerful
  13. 26. It was under eeeeee
  14. 27. Wing and horn combo
  15. 28. Male fan over the age of 17
  16. 30. Princess of love
  17. 31. Eeeyup
  18. 33. ___ and Flam
  19. 34. Ex-cult leader, name of Taylor Swift song
  20. 35. Chaos
  21. 36. Main setting
  1. 1. "I can't just send her off to _____ knows where," (god expression)
  2. 4. Major historical figures in mlp
  3. 5. Once unfathomable, brought mane 6 together prehistorically
  4. 6. Starlight's old pal
  5. 7. Big brother best friend forever
  6. 8. Nonpony, healer
  7. 10. Caroline hates her
  8. 12. Klutzy __________
  9. 13. Everyone has a dark side, especially Luna
  10. 15. The main protagonist of this saga
  11. 17. Countess ________, singer of "Spectacle"
  12. 18. The OG bully
  13. 21. Lord _____, magic sucker
  14. 23. Hosts the functions
  15. 25. The starter of change for the changelings
  16. 29. Whom Spike fancies
  17. 30. Earned when destiny is discovered
  18. 32. Queen ______, buglike
  19. 33. Doormat