- 3. what is Andrew's favorite number
- 7. which ice cream on a stick does Andrew like the most
- 8. what is Andrew's favorite club song
- 11. what is Andrew's favorite fruit
- 13. What did Lilia's mom say Andrew is like because of his atrology sign
- 14. Which flavored ice cream does Andrew like the most in a cone (hint: never got it with Lilia cuz they dont have it in the netherlands I think)
- 1. What skill has Lilia perfected that requires Andrew's presence
- 2. what is Andrew's 2nd favorite thing Lilia can suck
- 4. how did Andrew feel when Lilia told him she loved him
- 5. what is Andrew's favorite lingerie color?
- 6. which character is the best in Avatar
- 7. what is Andrew's dream car
- 9. What is Andrew's favorite superhero
- 10. What is Andrew's favorite restaurant called in Zagreb?
- 12. What is Andrew's 3rd favorite sport, after bball and boxing