My Love

  1. 2. Where we will travel one day.
  2. 3. Our son's name.
  3. 5. Something you are amazing at.
  4. 7. Something new in 2023.
  5. 11. Something you can't wait to see me as.
  6. 13. Your favorite color.
  7. 15. Your Favorite Game.
  8. 16. Your favorite animal.
  9. 17. The nickname I have for your car.
  1. 1. Your biggest fan.
  2. 4. Where we first met after my mission.
  3. 6. Littering your entire body.
  4. 8. Android or Apple?
  5. 9. The man I'm going to Marry.
  6. 10. My soon to be last name.
  7. 12. Your shoe size.
  8. 14. Something I'll never be good at but that you are good at.