my love

  1. 4. those ocean ____
  2. 5. you're the ___
  3. 8. i can feel your arms around me, let 'em ____ me
  4. 11. what was your top song in spotify last year?
  5. 12. what's the first thing i will do to you when i see you?
  6. 13. i'm always __________ about you
  7. 17. what's another word that describes your appearance?
  8. 19. i'm deeply in ____ with you
  9. 21. i'll follow you wherever you ___
  10. 22. you take away my ______
  11. 27. what city do i live in?
  12. 28. what's our favorite game to play together?
  13. 30. i will never leave ____
  14. 32. who is your favorite band?
  15. 33. how do you make me feel?
  16. 34. what state do i live in?
  17. 36. you easily drench me in _____
  18. 37. what is the way you taste?
  19. 38. you are the best ____
  20. 39. what word describes your appearance?
  21. 40. which day did we first meet?
  22. 41. what's something i would do for you?
  23. 42. what do you do to my heart?
  1. 1. what was the first name you gave me?
  2. 2. you are my beautiful _________
  3. 3. you give me all i ____
  4. 6. you are my guiding ____
  5. 7. what's my favorite color?
  6. 9. i'll face down the _____ with you
  7. 10. for every ocean you're my ____
  8. 14. for every breath, you're my ___
  9. 15. who is my favorite person?
  10. 16. you are my ____
  11. 18. i am _____, always and forever
  12. 20. you make my _____ race
  13. 23. it's time now to learn __________
  14. 24. what was the second name you gave me?
  15. 25. what will be your last name?
  16. 26. i can't wait to ______ you
  17. 29. i ____ you, badly
  18. 31. you are my always and _______
  19. 34. i'll be your _____, bathing you clean
  20. 35. who is the main character of the first thing we watched together?
  21. 39. what's your favorite color of panties?
  22. 40. what's my favorite number?