my love

  1. 4. Who's smarter?
  2. 5. Who's cuter?
  3. 7. What is my favorite gift you have ever gotten me?
  4. 9. What is my favorite color?
  5. 11. What is the name of the cafe we went to a ton in Bellevue?
  6. 12. Our first concert we saw?
  7. 13. Where did we spend our first Halloween
  8. 15. Who loves the other more?
  9. 17. Toby's favorite sports team?
  10. 19. Month of our Anniversary?
  11. 20. Toby's biggest fear? (besides losing you)
  12. 21. What have we started to call each other recently?
  1. 1. What type of relationship can we claim to be?
  2. 2. What color was our first homecoming outfits?
  3. 3. What movie that I loved did you say was boring?
  4. 6. Where was our first date?
  5. 8. What was the first Bollywood movie I watched?
  6. 10. The instrument we both have played before?
  7. 14. What was the first time you slept over at my house?
  8. 16. Where did we go for our three years?
  9. 18. Where was our first big vacation?