My Love

  1. 1. You have the most beautiful...
  2. 3. We are more than lovers, we are...
  3. 4. What you bring me every day.
  4. 12. What kind of BONE do you like to eat?
  5. 14. I can't wait to travel the world in our...
  6. 16. When we first saw eachother.
  7. 17. Our favorite activity to do together, especially when we first started dating.
  8. 18. You want to travel to...
  9. 19. How I say good morning.
  10. 21. Our favorite healthy treat to get in Oceanside.
  11. 22. A word we made up for an italian dish.
  1. 2. Our first trip together.
  2. 5. Bing bong...
  3. 6. The most important thing to me in our relationship.
  4. 7. I can't wait to ____ you one day!
  5. 8. You are my...
  6. 9. Our favorite sweet treat to get in Oceanside.
  7. 10. Peas, Broccoli, Cauliflour...
  8. 11. You are Mazie's...
  9. 13. The food we most frequently get together.
  10. 15. The thing I love most about you physically.
  11. 20. Our anniversary month.
  12. 23. First time we said it was July 15th, 2023.