My love story

  1. 1. A family activity we love to do in the house
  2. 4. what is our favorite food to order together in the house
  3. 6. One of our favorite songs to listen to
  4. 7. Our first pet we ever had
  5. 8. what is the month we met
  6. 12. what is my nickname i call you
  7. 13. How many houses have we lived together in
  8. 14. Our Oldest Child Name
  9. 15. Your nickname you love to call me
  10. 16. The term used in biology and the expression of how we feel about each other
  1. 2. our favorite late night snack place
  2. 3. where did we go for my 23rd Birthday
  3. 4. Our middle Boy Name
  4. 5. our favorite tv show we love watching together
  5. 7. Our Babyboy Name
  6. 9. The person who introduced us
  7. 10. My bed nickname i love to call you
  8. 11. Our Favorite meal we look to cook at home
  9. 12. Our last pet Name