My personal crossyword

  1. 4. most scary school subject
  2. 5. most useful character in Criminal Minds
  3. 8. favorite video game
  4. 11. I wish I were a _____
  5. 12. least favorite school subject
  6. 13. favorite slipknot song
  7. 15. he’s literally me
  8. 17. OC I’m obsessed with rn
  9. 20. ____ has the best street food
  10. 21. what kurt wanted to load up on
  11. 23. favorite food
  12. 24. best horror movie director
  1. 1. mommy (fictional)
  2. 2. my username
  3. 3. all time favorite chip
  4. 6. favorite brother
  5. 7. how I feel when I am with Gaby
  6. 9. my resting face
  7. 10. pookie dookie bookie bear
  8. 14. awesome music artist
  9. 16. mommy (real)
  10. 18. best horror movie ever
  11. 19. favorite time of the day
  12. 21. favorite fictional feline
  13. 22. something I never do