My Valentine

  1. 1. Shot ME with an arrow
  2. 5. You show up each day even when it is hard
  3. 8. Your retirement career
  4. 10. A closeness I only share with you
  5. 12. Doppleganger
  6. 17. Analysis Paralysis
  7. 18. BMW
  8. 19. Your best suit
  9. 21. Foundation of our relationship
  1. 1. I get you and you get me
  2. 2. One of your admirable traits
  3. 3. My Love My Man My Confidant
  4. 4. Place you injure yourself
  5. 6. Buy it by the gallon
  6. 7. One of Laura's admirable traits
  7. 9. You never stopped fighting
  8. 11. Eternally together
  9. 13. SEXY lady
  10. 14. Give it to me BABY
  11. 15. Refusing to give up on each other
  12. 16. People who supply unconditional love
  13. 20. Light at the end of the tunnel
  14. 22. The little man