  1. 2. The most common complication in the initial few days is .....
  2. 4. ……….. refers to excessive sweating.
  3. 5. STEMI and …. Are the main type of MI
  4. 10. Left ventricular free-wall and ventricular septum rupture are example of ……….. complications.
  5. 11. MI occurs when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle is .......
  6. 12. MI is commonly known as …………
  7. 13. ……… is effective in reducing the blood clots that are blocking a coronary artery.
  8. 15. ………… is inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart
  9. 17. DM and ……… is common cause of MI
  10. 18. abnormal ……. is clinical features of MI
  11. 19. Surgical intervention for MI
  12. 20. ....... is one of the risk factors of MI
  1. 1. treatment to lower blood pressure ………
  2. 3. The prevalence of MI is higher in ……. In all age-specific group
  3. 6. Cardiogenic shock, heart failure, embolic cerebrovascular accident is …………. Complications.
  4. 7. most common symptoms of MI?
  5. 8. …………… occurs when a brain blood vessel narrows, blocking blood flow.
  6. 9. Benefit of …….. are cause vasodilation and increase blood flow to myocardium.
  7. 14. Irregular heartbeat
  8. 16. SOB medically known as ……